The Flow of a typical Competition Day.
The purpose of the information below is to provide new Show Choir parents for NPHS with information regarding the flow of a typical Show Choir Competition Day.
School Arrival and Check-In. Students will arrive at New Palestine High School in the area by the ticket box office approximately 15 minutes prior to the posted bus departure time. They must check-in with their choir and the Choir Director will confirm all students are present and accounted-for, prior to departure. If the arrival of your student at the high school is impacted in any way, your student needs to inform their choir officer and/or Choir Director as soon as possible.
Snacks for the Bus Ride. Prior to departure, we will provide the students with bottled water and other items they may want, such as granola bars, cheese sticks and fruit (apple, banana, etc.). They are free to eat something at home before leaving, but we won't have them leaving the school empty-handed. Depending on bus driver rules, they may also have items to take on the bus for snacks to/from the competition.
Secret Buddy. Both Crimson Heat and Diamond Sensations have a small "gift exchange" program called "Secret Buddy" where they draw names prior to the first competition and exchange information about favorite foods or favorite things. The point of the exchange is to do something special for the other person. If you are a parent of a student who does not yet drive (or doesn't earn income) then they will approach you for assistance on this (hopefully before midnight on a Friday night prior to a competition). The Secret Buddy gift should be in the $5 cost range. Some Secret Buddy's will do more and some will do less. It's more about the thought behind the gift. This could be a favorite drink and favorite snack for the trip. This could be something made or baked at home prior to the competition. The gifts will be exchanged on Saturday morning and there will be a "reveal" of the Secret Buddy's at the final competition, if they haven't figured it out already. This is intended as a fun exercise to add some excitement to the competition day.
Additional Items on the Bus. Depending on the length of our trip, students may opt to bring a pillow, blanket or something else to do on the bus trip.
Arriving at the Competition. The choirs will be greeted by their student host who will take them to their homeroom for the competition. Typically, Diamond Sensations performs first and Crimson will perform later. All choirs will check in to their rooms initially. Costumes will be unloaded from the equipment truck and brought to the homerooms to allow the choirs to change.
Competition Preparation and Performance. Prior to their performance, the choirs will change into their costumes, complete their hair and makeup, then transition to rehearsal and warm-up. At most competitions, the first several rows and center of the auditorium is typically reserved for the students and parents representing the school. While Diamond Sensations performs, Crimson Heat will serve as their "cheer section". The reverse is true when Crimson Heat performs. If there is not a section reserved for the school performing, the choir students not performing will assemble in the auditorium the best they can. After a performance, the students go through a review and debriefing with Choir Director and/or the Choreographer, then the go back to the homeroom to change out of their performance outfits. Students are not allowed to remain in their performance outfits, when not preparing to perform, unless there are special circumstances dictated by Choir Director.
On-Site Food. Students should plan to bring money for food on-site. Most competitions will have a breakfast, lunch and dinner. Unless we reach the finals at the end of the evening, we typically will leave a site prior to dinner. Students cannot have parents bring them food in from the outside. Door monitors at certain competition sites may indicate that food cannot be brought on-site. Also, under no circumstances will a student be allowed to leave a competition site with a parent, guardian or friend to eat lunch.
Awards Presentation. Awards are typically announced at the end of the day for both the Women's Choirs and Mixed Show Choirs. They will only announce the top 3-5 groups from each division (in a random order) - only those that will advance to finals. Each choir that performs will be recognized as a participant and they will be announced. Two representatives from each choir (in their performance costumes) will represent the choir on-stage. There also may be awards given for "outstanding performer" for a choir, plus awards for best instrumental ensemble. Some competitions will also have individual soloists who are competing on-site at the venue in a separate auditorium. These individuals will also be announced with general awards.
Competition Finals. The top group of Women's show choirs and the top group of Mixed show choirs will compete again in a Finals competition. All groups will re-perform their same show that they performed earlier in the day, in hopes of being announced as Champion of their division (either Women's or Mixed) for that competition. If either group qualifies for evening finals, both groups will stay at the competition site for the evening. If neither group reaches the competition finals, we immediately pack-up all equipment and students, then return back to school.
Pack-Up and Return to NPHS. At the conclusion of the competition, the homeroom is picked-up, all costumes confirmed back into their garment bags and personal belongings are gathered. All show choir members are responsible to complete their own "golden ticket" confirming the status of all of their competition attire (suits, dresses, shoes, etc.). Once all items are packed-away, the buses are loaded for transport back to the school.
Unload at NPHS. Some students may need to assist in unloading the equipment truck, but essentially students are available to leave for their homes once they unload the bus.
Snacks for the Bus Ride. Prior to departure, we will provide the students with bottled water and other items they may want, such as granola bars, cheese sticks and fruit (apple, banana, etc.). They are free to eat something at home before leaving, but we won't have them leaving the school empty-handed. Depending on bus driver rules, they may also have items to take on the bus for snacks to/from the competition.
Secret Buddy. Both Crimson Heat and Diamond Sensations have a small "gift exchange" program called "Secret Buddy" where they draw names prior to the first competition and exchange information about favorite foods or favorite things. The point of the exchange is to do something special for the other person. If you are a parent of a student who does not yet drive (or doesn't earn income) then they will approach you for assistance on this (hopefully before midnight on a Friday night prior to a competition). The Secret Buddy gift should be in the $5 cost range. Some Secret Buddy's will do more and some will do less. It's more about the thought behind the gift. This could be a favorite drink and favorite snack for the trip. This could be something made or baked at home prior to the competition. The gifts will be exchanged on Saturday morning and there will be a "reveal" of the Secret Buddy's at the final competition, if they haven't figured it out already. This is intended as a fun exercise to add some excitement to the competition day.
Additional Items on the Bus. Depending on the length of our trip, students may opt to bring a pillow, blanket or something else to do on the bus trip.
Arriving at the Competition. The choirs will be greeted by their student host who will take them to their homeroom for the competition. Typically, Diamond Sensations performs first and Crimson will perform later. All choirs will check in to their rooms initially. Costumes will be unloaded from the equipment truck and brought to the homerooms to allow the choirs to change.
Competition Preparation and Performance. Prior to their performance, the choirs will change into their costumes, complete their hair and makeup, then transition to rehearsal and warm-up. At most competitions, the first several rows and center of the auditorium is typically reserved for the students and parents representing the school. While Diamond Sensations performs, Crimson Heat will serve as their "cheer section". The reverse is true when Crimson Heat performs. If there is not a section reserved for the school performing, the choir students not performing will assemble in the auditorium the best they can. After a performance, the students go through a review and debriefing with Choir Director and/or the Choreographer, then the go back to the homeroom to change out of their performance outfits. Students are not allowed to remain in their performance outfits, when not preparing to perform, unless there are special circumstances dictated by Choir Director.
On-Site Food. Students should plan to bring money for food on-site. Most competitions will have a breakfast, lunch and dinner. Unless we reach the finals at the end of the evening, we typically will leave a site prior to dinner. Students cannot have parents bring them food in from the outside. Door monitors at certain competition sites may indicate that food cannot be brought on-site. Also, under no circumstances will a student be allowed to leave a competition site with a parent, guardian or friend to eat lunch.
Awards Presentation. Awards are typically announced at the end of the day for both the Women's Choirs and Mixed Show Choirs. They will only announce the top 3-5 groups from each division (in a random order) - only those that will advance to finals. Each choir that performs will be recognized as a participant and they will be announced. Two representatives from each choir (in their performance costumes) will represent the choir on-stage. There also may be awards given for "outstanding performer" for a choir, plus awards for best instrumental ensemble. Some competitions will also have individual soloists who are competing on-site at the venue in a separate auditorium. These individuals will also be announced with general awards.
Competition Finals. The top group of Women's show choirs and the top group of Mixed show choirs will compete again in a Finals competition. All groups will re-perform their same show that they performed earlier in the day, in hopes of being announced as Champion of their division (either Women's or Mixed) for that competition. If either group qualifies for evening finals, both groups will stay at the competition site for the evening. If neither group reaches the competition finals, we immediately pack-up all equipment and students, then return back to school.
Pack-Up and Return to NPHS. At the conclusion of the competition, the homeroom is picked-up, all costumes confirmed back into their garment bags and personal belongings are gathered. All show choir members are responsible to complete their own "golden ticket" confirming the status of all of their competition attire (suits, dresses, shoes, etc.). Once all items are packed-away, the buses are loaded for transport back to the school.
Unload at NPHS. Some students may need to assist in unloading the equipment truck, but essentially students are available to leave for their homes once they unload the bus.